คุณสมบัติของ Weather Station NICETY 0320-020T
UV Index
Light Meter
Solar Radiation
Indoor temperature and humidity
Outdoor temperature and humidity
Dew point
Feels like temperature
Wind speed
Wind direction
Barometric Pressure
Weather forecast
Solar power transmitter
Rainfall data (inch or mm): 1 hour, 24 hours, week, month, and total
Time, time/week and calendar display, Time alarm
Wall hanging or freestanding
WIFI connection
Upload weather data ถึง www.wunderground.com or www.weathercloud.net
แบรนด์สินค้า NICETY รุ่น 0320-020T
UV Index 1 ถึง 15°
Light meter 0 ถึง 200k lux; ± 15%
Outdoor temperature range: -40°C ถึง +60°C
Indoor temperature range: 0°C ถึง +60°C
Temperature accuracy: ±1°C
Humidity range: 10% ถึง 99% (1% resolution)
Humidity accuracy: ±5%
Rain volume display: 0-9999mm
Resolution: 0.3mm (if rain volume < 1000mm) 1mm (if rain volume > 1000mm)
Rain accuracy: < 15mm: ± 1mm หรือ 15mm ถึง 9999mm: ± 7%
Wind speed accuracy: 2m/s ~ 10m/s (± 3m/s) หรือ 10m/s ~ 56m/s (± 10%)
Wind direction accuracy: 8 points
Wind speed: 0-50m/s
Barometric Pressure: 300 ถึง 1100 hpa; ±3 hpa
Transmission interval: 16s
Transmission range: 100m in the open area
Transmission frequency: 433mHz
Maximum transmission power: 0.5mW
Type of modulation: ASK
WIFI standard: 802.11b/g/n
WIFI frequency: 2.4GHZ
Line of sight of WIFI transmission: 20m
Power consumption: Receiver: 3 x AAA alkaline batteries (Not included)
Transmitter: 3 x AA alkaline batteries (Not included)
Power adaptor: 5V/500mA
Battery life: Minimum 12 months for the transmitter
ขนาดเครื่อง: Receiver:215x22x158mm
Thermo-hygrometer Sensor: 75x53x22mm